Monday, 11 October 2010

Research And Planning: Music Magazine Questionnaire Results

Here are my questionnaire results for my music magazine.
I gave out 10 questionnaires, 5 to boys and 5 to girls to make my results equal.
I found out that most people would prefer an R&B magazine as this was the genre that got the most results.
I got an idea of other music magazines that people might purchase as well as people's favourite artists and I looked at what genre music them artists were.
I looked at age and gender too to compare what boys and girls preferred when it came to music as well as looking at the most common age and what was most popular with that age group.
I also found out what music channels people prefer to watch to see which genre of music channel was the most popular. my results showed that Kiss was the most popular music channel and Kiss is an R&B channel.
I asked what people would like to see in a music magazine and looked at the features that people chose and what was most popular so I know what to include in my magazine.
I looked at peoples favourite genre too and R&B was the most popular. I also looked at whether people read stories on magazines and every person who took part in my questionnaire said they read stories in magazines.
I gathered my results in tally charts and then went onto Microsoft Powerpoint and added my results onto pie charts as it was easier to look at and compare my results. Some of my pie charts have doubled up for just one question as there have been quite a few options for answers and there are a few results.

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