Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Evaluation: Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?  

Here are both of my magazines that I have made in media studies in my first year.
I made my college magazine in September 2010 and I have completed my music magazine in April 2011.

- I have used similar technology for both of my magazines. I have used cameras, Imac computers to use Photoshop to edit and put together my magazines.

- A difference is that I used InDesign for my contents page for my college magazine and for my music magazine I used Photoshop.

- I used Photoshop for my music magazine's front cover, contents page and double page spread.

- A difference with my college and music magazine is that I didn't make a double page spread for my college one yet I did for my music one.

- For both my magazines I took my photographs using medium close ups as that is what is usually seen on front covers of magazines no matter what genre they are. This is because the picture on the front cover is clear and the model that the picture is of is clear for the audience to see.

- The audience can see the models facial expressions and attitude which could even link to the genre of magazine and also the photos on the front can imply to the audience what the cover story is about.

- For my contents page I used varied shots for my pictures to show my understanding of other shot types and the function and effect they have on my magazines.

- I have used different font types for my magazines. For my college magazine I used different fonts for the features on my magazine and for my main story and the title of the magazine whereas for my music magazine I used the same font throughout so that it kept consistent and it looked more like a professional music magazine.

- I also made the fonts reasonable sizes so that I could fit more information in on my music magazine whereas in my college magazine, my font is a lot bigger.

- The genres are very different. One is a college magazine which is about college information and one is a music magazine which is all about R&B music.

- They both have similar audiences which is teenagers however, my college magazine was also aimed at people still in school but who are ready to come to college soon and may want to know more information about college. This then differs to my music magazine as that is aimed at older teenagers and not people in school.

- My layouts for both magazines are different. My music magazine is more consistant by the way of colours, theme and fonts. On the other hand, my college magazine has different colours, themes and fonts when comparing the college magazine front cover and contents page together.

- My skills have developed and it is shown in my magazines. I knowledge was only minor when I made my college magazine and now that I have gained some confidence and experience my music magazine is more improved as I know how to use the programmes and tools properly.

- I have also done a lot more research for my music magazine so that I knew what I had and wanted to do. With my music magazine I have a theme of three colours like most magazines do but my college magazine had 4 colours which could be seen as too many making the magazine look too full or not neat.
Music Magazine
College Magazine

Monday, 11 April 2011

Evaluation: Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

This is a list of all the different technologies that I have used in the making of my music magazine..

This was used as I had to access the internet a lot to do my research. I had to use the internet to research other magazines and other general information in order to begin the production.
I had to create an account on Slideshare for my evaluation of my music magazine. I had to do this as I had created some Powerpoint presentations as part of my evaluation, therefore I had to upload the presentations onto my blogger and to do this I had to find Slideshare over the Internet and create an account in order to do this.

I had to create a blogger in order to blog everything that I had done involving my magazine, including research, pictures, class work, individual work, videos, links and other things. I had to use my blogger to get feedback from other people about my magazine. Every change that was made to my magazine I also had to blog.

Photoshop played a major part in the production of my magazine as I had to use this to edit the pictures if needed by using the spot healing tool. Photoshop was the programme that I also used to make my music magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread. I even used this for my college magazine front cover. This helped me with my theme, colours, pictures, text and backgrounds.

I originally used InDesign for my contents page of my music magazine, however, this made it look different and not consistant or matching with my front cover and double page spread which was done on Photoshop. I did some earlier work on this programme as well as a first attempt with my music magazine contents page.

IMac Computer.
This IMac computer is what I did all my work on, including my music magazine, my college magazine and my blogger work. This is what I created my magazine on and this is what had on all the different programmes in which I could use for my magazine which includes Photoshop, Firefox and InDesign.

SLR Camera.
I used an SLR Camera to take my pictures for my magazine. I chose different locations in which to take my pictures and I took many different ones so then I had a variety to chose from. I took plenty of test shots so some of the pictures I took I didn't use in my magazine but I uploaded them to my blog.

This is a programme on the IMac that allows you to upload your photos that you have taken from your camera. I used this programme to upload my pictures to the IMac computer so then I could load them up onto my blog and also onto Photoshop so then I could edit them and then fit them into my magazine.

This is a website that you can find on the internet. I had to make an account so that I could make a Prezi show to highlight different aspects of my music magazine. I have also used Prezi in a question for my evalutation.

I have used Flickr in a question for my evaluation and it is to upload my music magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread onto and annotate them once they are on there. I have used it to upload my magazine and talk about media instiution distributing my product and reasons why.

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Evaluation: Question 5

Question 5:

How did you attract/address your audience?

Friday, 8 April 2011

Evaluation: Question 4


Who would be the audience for your media product and why?

The target audience for my music magazine is mainly students between the ages of 16-20.
People will buy my magazine if they are interested in the R&B genre of music and want to find out more information on certain artists or features involved in the magazine. People who's favourite genre of music is R&B will buy this magazine.
The magazine provides information about different R&B artists each week as well as having special and regular features. Fashion and pictures will be involved as well as reviews and interviews which is what students are most interested in and want to know more about.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Evaluation: Question 3 - Continued


What kind of media institution might distribute your product and why? 

Swagger Front Cover by LouiseWard92
Swagger Front Cover, a photo by LouiseWard92 on Flickr.
This is my answer for my media evaluation: question 3.

Evaluation: Question 3 - Continued


What kind of media institution might distribute your product and why? 

Swagger Contents Page by LouiseWard92
Swagger Contents Page, a photo by LouiseWard92 on Flickr.
This is my answer to my media evaluation: question 3.

Evaluation: Question 3


What kind of media institution might distribute your product and why? 

Swagger Double Page Spread by LouiseWard92
Swagger Double Page Spread, a photo by LouiseWard92 on Flickr.
This is my answer to my media evaluation: question 3.